The PR.ES.T.O. experimentation phase is about to start in Crete

The first PR.E.S.T.O. experimentation is going to start in July 2022, with 8 French ID learners of DITEP Saint Denis.

At first Cap Ulysse and DITEP Saint Denis staff (ARI association close to Bordeaux), went to visit EELI in Crete in order to prepare the mobility of their ID learners and accompanying staff in Crete, next July.

«Those preparatory visits are a great opportunity for a sending ID learners organisations» like ARI to:

  • Become familiar with the organisation and logistics of learner mobility 
  • Getting to know the hosting partner in charge of looking for the appropriate hosting companies, accommodation and catering solution
  • Setting out common monitoring and evaluation procedures

By now ARI has followed up the 7 steps proposed by Carlotta from AIPD (Associazione Italiana Persone Down – AIPD) during the Seville staff training course. The idea is to cover up: 

  • an introduction of ERASMUS experience and the hosting partner
  • a discovery of the local place and culture 
  • a  basic language course
  • an introduction to the working experience and the workplace

A visit with the hosting partner and learners has been organised in a smooth intercultural communication base allowing them to exchange some keywords in French, Greek, and English.

We wish our French learners a great experience! 


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PR.E.S.T.O. inclusive mobility for learners with ID

From May 3rd to 5th 2022 EfVET organised a new Thematic Teams Seminar. On this occasion, Saskia Dies, Project Manager and Trainer from INCOMA, made a presentation about the “PR.E.S.T.O. – PRomoting pEople with disability Transnational mObility” project.

To start the workshop, Saskia gave some examples of common characteristics that students with ID have, such as difficulty in understanding new information, difficulties with communication and social skills, slow cognitive processing time, or even difficulties understanding abstract concepts. In addition, she shared some inclusive teaching strategies that can support students to better learn such as: providing reading lists beforehand, using clear, concise, and straightforward language, presenting the information in various formats, repeating the information, etc.

After this, the workshop focused on two of the main phases of a mobility project for a student with ID: 1) preparation of the mobility and 2) during the mobility.

For the second phase, during the mobility, and with the aim of giving an overview of it, a group dynamic was carried out. All participants were divided into three groups and had 20 minutes to work together and bring to some conclusions. Each group had a different topic to discuss:

  • Group 1: Hosting Organisation

What do I have to consider to guarantee a successful internship for ID students?

  • Group 2: Intermediary Organisation

What organisational support do I have to give to the participant/accompanying tutor?

  • Group 3: Sending Institution/Accompanying Tutor

What special needs do I have to consider to ensure a good organisation of mobilities for ID participants?

All in all, it can be said that most of the participants showed their interest in the topic of inclusive mobility and how to develop them and the PR.E.S.T.O. project.



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