The PR.ES.T.O. experimentation phase is about to start in Crete
The PR.ES.T.O. experimentation phase is about to start in Crete
23 Maggio 2022/da Vittoria Valentina Di GennaroThe…
PR.E.S.T.O. inclusive mobility for learners with ID
PR.E.S.T.O. inclusive mobility for learners with ID
From May…
9 Maggio 2022/da Vittoria Valentina Di GennaroFrom May…
HospitABLE Businesses
HospitABLE Businesses
As you may (perhaps) know, traineeships…
28 Aprile 2022/da Vittoria Valentina Di GennaroAs you may (perhaps) know, traineeships…
The activities of the PR.E.S.T.O. Project continue
The activities of the PR.E.S.T.O. Project continue
4 Aprile 2022/da Vittoria Valentina Di GennaroThe…
How can the employment rate of disable people be increased?
How can the employment rate of disable people be increased? Two…
3 Aprile 2022/da Vittoria Valentina Di GennaroSocial inclusion of people with ID
Social inclusion of people with ID
Access to the labour market…
15 Marzo 2022/da Vittoria Valentina Di GennaroAccess to the labour market…
Promoting pEople with diSability Transnational mObility
Grant Agreement number: 2020-IT01-KA202-C01469E8
Dates: Start 01/09/2020 – End 14/04/2023
Project Coordinator: Consorzio Ro.Ma.
“The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.