by Elisabeth Silva, CAP ULYS
Initially planned for 2020 during the lockdown, the Erasmus+ transnational mobilities of all “Handi’cap pour l’Europe” consortium were postponed to 2021. However, as the COVID is still with us, a large number of members have decided to cancel these mobilities in 2021.
This is not the case for the ESAT Saint Jean, a workshop for disable workers located close to Bordeaux. They will leave for an Erasmus+ mobility planned for Tarrega in Catalonia next May, “if sanitary conditions allow it”. Seven disabled workers and two social workers will develop their skills during a work experience in the various workshops offered by Alba, an association with a strong local presence and numerous production workshops.
We remain optimistic, in Catalonia, the restrictions and the rate of incidence is under control”, therefore it is a real challenge and sometimes a real headache that these 3 partners are trying to take up at a time when many educational and vocational training establishments have cancelled their mobility until further notice. According “ to the coordinator of the Cap Ulysse consortium: “here, the greatest risk could be to postpone again: aren’t we taking more risks if we put all our projects on hold by continually postponing?”. That is the question many of us are asking ourselves.
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