State of play of the PR.E.S.T.O. project

by Giulia Dakli, Consorzio Ro.Ma.

Activity O1-A1 “Guidelines and Tools” is coming towards the finish line. Partners have worked on the contents of the PR.E.S.T.O. Guidelines, a short briefing document targeting Vocational Education and Training (VET) center managers aimed at encouraging and enabling them to involve learners with intellectual disabilities in their mobility projects.

The partners will seek the feedback of VET managers during a round of focus groups that will take place in January-February 2022 and the final Guidelines will be published in Spring 2022.

Activity O1-A2 “Training Course for VET Providers” is currently ongoing, in its planning phase. Partners have agreed on an index of a training course targeting all those professionals in charge of planning, organising and managing VET mobility projects (e.g., mobility project designers and operators). Partners have gathered information on the target’s training needs using an online assessment test. The course will be delivered face to face at the end of March 2022 and it will help the trainees develop competences and skills useful to design a mobility project involving learners with Intellectual Disabilities (ID).

The index of the PR.E.S.T.O. Training Course is the following:

– Introduction to PRESTO project
– Planning the mobility with learners with ID
– What to keep in mind when preparing the mobility with ID learners
– What to do during and after the mobility
– Best practices
– Monitoring and evaluation of the mobility
– Communication and financial arrangements.

Activity O1-A3 “Pilot”. The PR.E.S.T.O. Pilot will see the trainees of the Training Course for VET Providers testing their new competences and putting them in practice. A number of mobilities involving learners with ID will be organised and planned for Summer-Autumn 2022.

Output 2 – PR.E.S.T.O. Video: The main objective of this video is to promote the mobility of people with ID in Europe by raising awareness of VET managers and host SMEs on the importance of involving people with ID in mobility paths. The Video will be realised during the Training Course in March 2022 and during the mobilities foreseen by the Pilot.

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