- by Vittoria Valentina Di Gennaro, EfVET
PRESTO – “Promoting pEople with disability Transnational mObility” kick-off meeting took place on the 15th of December 2020 and brought together 7 partners among VET Colleges and Mobility Institutions in addition to EfVET, as follows:
Consorzio Ro.Ma (Italy) - Associazione Italiana Persone Down (Italy)
- International Consulting & Mobility Agency (Spain)
- Stowarzyszenie na Rzrcz Rozwoju Spolecznosci Wiejskiej Gminy Przygodzice (Poland)
- Cap Ulysse (France)
- European Education & Learning Institute (Greece)
- EfVET (Belgium)
The KA2 PR.E.S.T.O. project is coordinated by Consorzio Ro.Ma from Italy and, in line with the Horizontal Priority on Social Inclusion, aims at promoting work-based learning in all its forms.
The PR.E.S.T.O. partnership will deliver a Training Course as well as Guidelines aimed at providing tools, knowledge and guidance to VET providers on how to plan and manage quality work-based mobility paths specifically drawn for people with intellectual disabilities.
The work-based learning presents itself as a valuable opportunity to:
- For VET project designers as an opportunity: to test the model studied in the development of the project (design of transnational mobility projects involving people with intellectual disabilities).
- For people with cognitive disabilities as a valuable opportunity: to increase and improve personal, interpersonal and professional skills; development of the sense of initiative and the ability.
One of P.R.E.S.T.O.’s objectives is to promote the involvement of people with intellectual disabilities in work-based internships and international mobility paths.
Developing partnerships supporting the setting up and implementation of internationalisation strategies for VET providers. PR.E.S.T.O. puts in place a training and awareness raising strategy useful to pro-mote quality mobility of VET learners with disabilities and to foster VET internationalisation.
The partnership will identify, test, and evaluate Guidelines and Training tools aimed at enabling VET providers
(managers and project designers) to plan and manage quality mobility paths for disabled people and that will facilitate their engagement in international cooperation paths.
The kick-off meeting, due to COVID-19, was held online and it was introduced with a presentation of all the partners followed by the overall presentation of the project, its objectives, target groups, the intellectual outputs, and then the project management and all the implementation activities.
The project meeting was very fruitful and the partnership showed a very high sensibility to the important topic of the social inclusion underlying the level of engagement they expect from themselves and the others for the good outcomes of the project.
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